Feb 10, 2007

The 1st Week

This has been a week full of "firsts". Firsts embedded in firsts. And thus I have decided that the second week of February will for ever more be dubbed thus: The First Week.

In my first time living over seas, I was driving the first car that I did not pay for, yet drive regularly (except for my parents cars - but those don't count). After driving for two weeks, I had to fill it up at the gas station for the first time. I paid a mere $12 to fill it up - the first time I've spent less than my life savings on gas (though probably due to the fact that, for the first time, my income is actually able to increase my lifesavings fairly significantly). It was the first time I was so greatful to oil-rich countries who provide their residents cheap gas.

However, today I had my first flat tire. Ever. It was the first time I had to replace a tire on my own car, and for the first time, I figured out how to use those stupid little car jacks that come as part of your car.

And now for the finale: On thursday, for the very first time, I went ice-skating. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I lived in WI for 12 years and MN for 4 years without ever having laced up a pair of blades (and who would've thought my first time would not only be overseas, but in a desert country land). I went with the school, so all the teachers and students were there. I've rollar-bladed, so my first time wasn't too bad. It took me a minute or two to get used to, but after a while, I was doing my first cross-overs on ice. During this experience, I threw a snow ball at a student for the first time (I'm such a bad example).

Unfortunately, I did not get any pictures documenting any of these "Firsts". So, and not for the first time, you'll have to take my word that all of this actually did happen. But next time I go ice-skating, I'll take some pictures - for the first time.

PS - my first shout out. Ryan Lang is pretty cool. I talk to him on skype. Also, he has lots of great skills. Like finding girlfriends in China and teaching 5th graders.

Feb 7, 2007

And In Other News...

Mickey Mouse Heads for Bahrain

As one of my students said today when I mentioned the article in class - "Where are they going to put it?"

He wasn't joking, either.

Feb 3, 2007

Here Are Some Pictures to Wet Your Appetite

But to get the full meal, go to my web album. Link is on the left.

This is an ariel view of the balloon ride we took above the nile valley. It was pretty sweet.

The temple of Hapshetsut, near the valley of the kings. Ruined

Our hotel building definitely looked British colonial, circa 1940. Well, the equipment was also from 1940. This, my friends, is a working switchboard for incoming phone calls.

The brains behind our faluca ride on the nile. They guys were pretty cool. The ride was good, too.

The friend we made while walking around Hapshetsut. He was kind enough to let us take his picture without giving him some baksheesh.