Mar 16, 2008

139 Days Left

Qatar - pronounced QA-ter. Not qa-TAR, as I once did in my own ignorance. I went with six 12th graders and another woman from the school (this was back in January). Why, you may ask?

To attend the Model United Nations conference hosted by the Qatar (Doha) extension of Georgetown University. It was a great conference, and not just because of the 5 star hotel, great food, and excellent room service.

The students came prepared to represent a country in various councils, modeling the United Nations. My students were representatives in the African Union, NATO, Economic and Social Development and last, but not least, Human Rights. My students did an excellent job giving speeches, answering questions and generally showing their own intellectual prowess.

A similar conference was held at my school for Bahrain. Over 400 students participated as representatives, security, administrative aides or press. Its a fairly impressive operation.

Other than that - nothing new to talk about, really. Alison and I are slowly but steadily hammering out wedding plans. Remember kids, August 2nd is the big day.

Hopefully I'll be able to connect with a lot of people over the summer. We'll see though. Right now the plan is for Alison and I to fly to Houston and visit my parents for about a week or so. Then we'll head up to Michigander for the remainder of our lives as singles to put the finishing touches on a world class wedding.

And by world class I mean, a wedding that most of the world could afford (most of the world is poor, mind you).

If I ever come across pictures that I think you would find interesting, I'll put them up here.