Jun 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

For Father’s day, I (Alison) thought I would list 10 of the things our family loves about Josh Perkins.  

10.  He often will help with dishes and sweep floors without being asked.  He works hard at his job, but he also works hard at serving us at home.

9.  He reads books.  He is one of the most avid readers I’ve known, and that has translated to regularly and consistently reading books to Gabe and Eva (which they both love).  Eva loves nothing better than to snuggle up with a good book, and Daddy is one of her favorite snuggle partners. Gabe has also been getting a lot more interested in books – especially if Josh is involved.  Josh has also been known to read a Harriet Beecher Stowe novel, simply because she’s one of my favorite authors and I like to talk about it with him.  We all love that he involves us in one of his favorite hobbies.

8.  Most afternoons after work, he can be found lying on the floor.  Eva will almost always try to ride him like a horse, and Gabe will put his slobbery face on his and pull his hair.  Needless to say, Eva and Gabe LOVE this time, and it usually gives me a little break from them which I love.

7.  He makes coffee and pancakes on Saturday mornings.  Okay, maybe I appreciate the former more than the rest of the family, but Gabe and Eva definitely enjoy their break from oatmeal when Daddy makes breakfast.  Eva has particularly enjoyed “helping” Daddy recently. 

6. He thinks of fun ‘outdoorsy’ things to do.  It’s always Josh’s idea to go to the beach.  He’s also usually the one to suggest going to the park, or going to a pool or on a walk.  We’re always grateful for his creative ideas to get us outside and moving.

5.  He offers to carry heavy things.  Like children.  Granted baby-lifting is my primary source of exercise, (I consider putting away toys as my cardio workout…which is why I only feel the need do it 1 – 2 times a week) I still appreciate when Josh offers to take a kid (or two) when we’re out and about.  And I know they always prefer him.

4. He is ambitious about godly things.  He always has a vision for the future that I’m excited to be a part of and work towards with him.  While he is ambitious at his job, since I’ve known him, his primary ambitions have always centered on ways and methods for serving God in a hurt and dying world. 

3. He shoulders responsibility like a man. I have never known Josh to shirk from any responsibility – rather he always takes it up ungrudgingly whenever he sees it.  He does this at home with sorting out our finances, insurance, car maintenance, and a whole host of other things that I have nothing to do with but Josh regularly takes care of.  He does this at work as the math coordinator and has already started doing it with anticipating the new responsibilities of being a principal next year.  He has also consistently done this at church.  This year he has served as an elder, has preached several times, is regularly scheduled to be the service leader, as well as running powerpoint, helps with the church website, and most recently has added working in the children’s church with the 2&1/2 – 3 yr olds class which Eva is in. He doesn’t volunteer for these for any other reason than it needs to be done, and his sincere love for the church.  I’m sure that watching his own godly father perform the same unselfish service in the church while growing up has played a huge part in Josh’s heart to take on many of these needed responsibilities.  I can’t think of anyone else I would rather point my own son to and say “follow him as he follows Christ” than Josh.      

2. He arranges date nights.  This past year has been wonderful, but at times highly stressful with the demands of young children.  During those times when my next plan of action was to fed-ex one or two of my children to my mother-in-law, Josh has often suggested and arranged that we do the next best thing – get a sitter and escape for a few hours.  Everyone in the family ends up much happier for this. 

1.  He is a very attractive man.    

Happy Father's Day Josh!