Jun 24, 2007

Books Books every where

So what do teachers do when they have a lot of time at school, and nothing to do? I'll tell you what one teacher did - read. Read a lot. A friggin' lot. Because I sat at school all day. All friggin' day.

Anyway, here's a list of books I put to rest, all recommended reads:

Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail (Jerod Diamond) - Excellent book if you like history, sociology, or anthropology. Or any combination of the three. (thought not as good as the predecessor, "Guns, Germs and Steele").

The Unfinished Election of 2000 (various) - a deep look at the constitutional issues surrounding the Bush/Gore election. It was dubbed the "Unfinished Book" by my roommate, who declared it so after having spent the whole year trying to finish it. Good if you're a poli sci person, though I think most would find it less than interesting.

Hitlers Daugher - An interesting children's fiction book that supposes that Hitler had a child that no one knew about. I read it for professional development. Really.

Freakanomics (Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner) - Its economics but its INTERESTING (though I already like economics). I finished that one in about two days. It asks crazy questions like "Why do drug dealers live with their moms" and "What do the KKK and Real Estate Agents have in common?" They are random questions, but you will start to see the world a little differently after reading this book.

Besides those books, I've read various articles from "Foreign Affairs" magazine and a few short stories from Mark Twain.

Yeah... thats about all I have to say. Because nothing else has been happening.

Jun 1, 2007

The End is Near

So it has been over a month since I’ve posted anything, but not because nothing has happened.

Standard opening line of most blogs I’ve read in the last few months. BOH-ring.

Every once in a while I will stop and think, “I should post something soon – but nothing interesting has happened.” But then I remember that I live on the other side of the world, and how can that NOT be interesting.

Um... yeah.

But it is near the end of the year. We only have two weeks of school left, and both of those weeks are full of exams. Which means a little more free time for me.
I did have an interesting conversation with a student. The student told me that he had started talking to an American online - probably on MSN or myspace or something similar. They started asking usual questions: Whats it like? How do you live? etc. The ends of the earth have exotic and fantastic ways of living that fascinate us. So, in pictures, I shall show you how I live.
This is how I get to school every day:

This is the outside of the school:

And here is the entrace to my apartment.

Ok, so maybe I'm lying. But this is apparently what some people have in their minds.
Of course, you are probably dying to know what these pictures are and where they are from. And I didn't copy them from the Internet. I (or my dad) actually took them.
Click here to enjoy.