Nov 9, 2011

When in Rome....

The longer I live here, the more Bahraini I become.  I've decided that the eating schedule my Bahraini friends follow is fantastic: 
  • Breakfast:  10am-11am
  • Lunch: 3pm-4pm 
  • Dinner:  8pm-9pm
On Tuesday, we experienced this eating schedule.  We had breakfast with friends at Fudruckers at 10, and by the time we got home it was time to put the kids down for the afternoon nap.  We then went to someone else's house for lunch (we weren't actually expecting lunch, but a great spread was brought out after we arrived!)  So we munched on lunch while chatting.  I was content for the day, and had a light snack in the evening. 

Not only that, but it is traditional to give kids money during Eid.  so as we left, our friends (at both breakfast and lunch!) stuck a couple of dinars in Eva and Gabe's pockets!  They are still too little to understand what money is (thank goodness), but we've got a few ideas for things that they would both enjoy.   

Nov 3, 2011

Gabe Laughs, Eva Grows Up

I've not been writing a lot recently as we've been very busy.  Now that I've started school, I'm full on with teaching 7th grade math, 8th grade math, 12th grade advanced economics, advising the Model United Nations students, acting as math department coordinator, and working on various other projects.  But all work and no play makes for a very boring blog.

Its always a joy to come home and hear Alison say to Eva, "Who's a daddy?"  to which Eva replies:  "THERE'S A DADDY!!" Usually she runs to the door with something her hand, too excited to do anything but shake herself silly and start randomly doing a puzzle, lay on the floor or put kitty on Gabe's head.

Gabe has been endearing himself to us more and more lately.  He smiles a lot, and has taken to peak-a-boo.

He's also growing up - he's now eating solids and sitting in the high chair.

Which means Eva has gotten kicked out of her seat, but gets to sit at the table with the adults.

Gabe doesn't laugh or giggle (or at least very loudly), but he does like to be tickled on the ribs.  Enjoy!

And as a bonus:  Eva likes to wear empty yoghurt containers on her head.  Sadly, she is starting to get too big for them, so I grabbed this video before she passes out of this important developmental stage.