Jun 24, 2010

Two Unrelated but Important Thoughts

If you're looking for pictures of Eva, you will find none on this post.  Come back later (but don't forget to read what I wrote below!) 

1.  I am officially unemployed.  There are some job possibilities in the queue, but none are 100% certain.  For my former economic students, you would recognize this as frictional unemployment:  when someone chooses to leave their current job intending to get a better job.  Pray that the job possibilities come through.  If you want to hear the whole story, shoot me an email.

2.  World Cup:  I feel a little bit bad talking about the World Cup as an American, mostly because of this post from the blog "Stuff White People Like."  However, the American games have been exciting, and bordering on heart wrenching.  If you are able, I encourage you to watch the next match against Ghana (the team that eliminated the US in the 2006 tournament).   I also encourage you to feel indignant about the stolen goal in the second game against Slovenia, and even check out Sports Illustrated, who posted FIFA's address so outraged fans can write and express their frustration.  

An English friend sums up the current world cup situation this way: 
[he] thinks this world cup has turned out just like WW2... the French surrendered early, USA arrived late and think it was all their hard work that got them where they are, and we're [England] left to fight the Germans..

True... so true... except I would add, as a loyal American fan, that the Americans have (sort of) earned their place and certainly scraped through.  And I'll jump on any bandwagon that makes fun of the French.

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