Jul 10, 2006

Bahrain? Huh?

Unsure of where Bahrain is? Here's a map. In the larger portion, the dark dot in the center is Bahrain. I wasn't kidding when I said it was small. Its just off the coast of Saudi Arabia in the Persian Gulf. Kuwait and Iraq are northwest and Iran is directly to the north.

The whole country is 25 miles north to south, and 15 miles wide at its widest.

During the summer (April - October), temperatures hover around 100-120 degrees, with 90 percent humidity. During the winters, things cool off, getting down to 60 degrees, highs in the 80's. There are no in between seasons, such as fall or spring. Its just hot or scalding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new job! Sounds like it will be a wonderful adventure!

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