Oct 5, 2006

Mr. Joshua: Teacher, Traffic Director, Firefighter

I am many things to many people. Mostly, I am a teacher. But please, don't put me in some sort of box. I have many skills.

My new favorite activity is standing in the afternoon desert heat. In pants and long sleeves and a tie. After school every day, parents come to pick up their kids and attempt to wade through the sea of cars within the narrow, narrow street. Teachers are always outside turning this street into a one way road (which the neighborhood residents don't appreciate). I have traffic duty twice a week.

However, this week, I added a new job to my list: firefighter.

I was standing near my room watching students move to and fro during their break. I can see down the hallway and outside, and as I'm staring blankly down this hallway, a student runs in, grabs the fire extinguisher, and runs away. Mischief was in the air.

As I tore off after the punk, the kids are saying to me, "Mr. Joshua, there's a fire!" And I was thinking in my head, "I'm sure there is. Go to class." As I follow our little thief around the building, I see smoke billowing from the bushes at the back of the school. As I got nearer, I saw the flames. We're not talking about small flamelets. I'm talking about large LARGE flames. Large enough for about 30 people to roast marshmallows on. Of course, I started freaking out.

I grabbed the fire extinguisher and got in as close as I could and started spraying it. I soon finished that one and before I was done putting out the fire, about 4 fire extinguishers had been used up. I didn't even know we had four fire extinguishers at the school. My clothes wreaked of campfire smoke for the rest of the day.

What caused the fire, you're probably wondering. I'm wondering, too. Student mischief comes to mind, but I don't know.

What matters is that I win this week's "hero award".


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...you may or may not be getting paid enough for this job :) At least your anecdotes will be a continued source of amusement for future students and teachers.

Anonymous said...

did you save any helpless furry creatures during this act of heroism?

Anonymous said...

Of course it may have been the neighbors trying to leave a message.

Anonymous said...

We had a fire drill yesterday...I thought of you. Here are a few helpful acronyms to help in your next fire/rescue mission...

R=rescue-tell people about the fire...yell, "fire! fire! fire!"
A=alert-pull the fire alarm
C=contain-close all doors so fire doesn't spreak
E=evacuate-get out!

the second is in referance to fire extinguishers. though you already know how to use them, this may be helpful in a training seminar you may wish to put on some day...

P=PULL the pin from the extinguisher
A=AIM at the base of the fire
S=SQUEEZE the handle
S=SWEEP across the base of the fire (while SQUEEZEing from the last S)

*note* fire extinguishers only last about 15 seconds

in the case of a grease fire, DON'T USE WATER!!! put sugar or flour on it! in an electrical fire, get and ABC extinguisher. Water only actually works on things like wood, plants, fabric...

Now that you have these helpful tips, I hope your fire fighting days will be filled with more success!!!

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