Nov 10, 2009

Cartoon of the Day

I'm an Obama fan in general, but I thought this was funny - and maybe a bit true. It comes as Germans (and many others) celebrate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. As you may know, its a play on Ronald Reagan's declaration, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall!" only a few years before the wall crumbled.

In general, though, expectations have been too high for Obama, and after a year in office, I've heard people say that he hasn't done enough. Unfortunately (or fortunately), the system is made to be slow and cumbersome - not just in his case, but in any politicians case (which is by design). Hopefully some of those expectations will wain and become a little bit more realistic - even if I don't agree with some of his goals and aspirations.

I originally saw this cartoon here, on Carpe Diem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I feel the other way, I was seriously impressed by the speed at which he dove into things after gaining the Presidency. Weeks into it he'd begun to work on closing Guantanamo, oversaw the passing of major legislation dealing with the economy, and in the past few months has been pushing state run healthcare. Regardless of your position on any of the issues, I'm still amazed people are attacking him on the speed of execution. With a democrat house, senate, and president, things are flying about as fast as they can in, as you pointed out, a system designed to be difficult to change on a whim.


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