Dec 9, 2009

Exploring Bahrain, Ep 2

I am starting a new series of posts that will be called "Exploring Bahrain". Alison and I have recently taken to finding a place in Bahrain that we've never been before, and just driving there. If you're wondering where Episode 1 is, you can find it here, where I posted about two funny signs we saw as we were driving to the edge of the island. There were other interesting things we saw, but I'll leave it at that.

You would think that on an island as small as Bahrain there wouldn't be much to explore. However, I'm starting to realize that there are plenty of nooks and crannys with all sorts of interesting things. As you read, there will be links to "google maps" that will show you where we went (or attempted to go).

This time, I used Google Earth to identify some places that might be interesting to drive through - and I found no shortage of VERY interesting places!

The first were two islands just off the western coast of the main island. However, once we got on the highway, we found out that the exits were staffed with armed guards and "do not enter" signs. I imagine that they are residences for the Royal Family. However, we did have a nice lunch at the Causeway, half way between Saudi and Bahrain. Here is as close as we could get. If you look closely, you can see a bit of land rising up off the water.

Next, we headed south on the main island, on the road that was furthest west. I had chosen this because I saw huge swaths of green - which is rare enough to go on the hunt for. A brief glance at Google Earth made me thing they were farms (which aren't as uncommon as you'd think). However, as we drove down the road, we found that they were more large residences.

At one of the places we stopped, we found grass like this. Very weird - but always a great to see real, green grass.

Another place had what almost looked like meadows.

Lastly, one of my favorite. I want you to notice three things about this. 1) There are no cars. 2) there is a side walk. 3) The trees are green and hanging over BOTH sides of the road!


Unknown said...

Ah- Hamala. Jasra. Did you check out Al Hamala Resort too? The road there goes through one of those "meadows". There is a gated compound by the sea, but you might be able to go in if you ask nicely or if you pretend you're visiting someone. There is a nice beach, a restaurant, and a guesthouse, if you're ever looking for a "romantic get-away" close to home

alison said...

We actually did check that place out. That's where the sunset, and the bumpy grass pictures were taken. We checked out prices too - but they only rent on a month by month basis, not a nightly basis.

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