Apr 4, 2010

He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed! Easter in Bahrain

Its Easter weekend in Bahrain, and as a friend informed me, one of the first times in a long time that the western celebration of Easter and the eastern orthodox celebration of Easter fall on the same weekend.  So what does Easter look like here?

Good Friday - the day of Jesus' death - is our normal church day.  Our church, Saar Fellowship, had its regular service on Friday morning.  It was a normal, solemn Good Friday service, with the exception of communion. 

Usually, communion (bread and wine - the symbol of Jesus' broken body and blood shed for us) is handed out on communion plates by ushers.  Instead, they passed out nails.  In the center of the auditorium was a cross about 4 feet high.  As individuals chose (we weren't dismissed by rows or anything), people went to the cross and hammered their nail into the cross - a symbol that WE, through our sin and shameful behavior, made it necessary for Christ to die for our sin and shame. After hammering the nail, people could go to either side to take communion. The congregation sang one more song

Today, Sunday, is a work day for everyone.  Most people do not take the day off, but churches here are prepared to accommodate!  A conglomeration of churches holds a sunrise service for people to attend before work.  This year, Alison and I met some people in our small group met an apartment at 6am - read the story of how Jesus rose from the dead, claiming victory over our sin and punishment, and then shared a meal together.  Some people went off to work in the morning, while others (including myself) have the day off. 

Later in the day, we went to some friends' house for an Easter celebration!  There were almost 30 kids there, so they gathered them around and told the Easter using different pieces.  We all shared a meal together and then the kids went out back for an Easter egg hunt.  Eva even participated by doing a little hunt herself!  (Of course, eggs are not part of the Resurrection story and Jesus.  I'm not really sure how they got in there, but its what we do, and its a good time, anyway!)

"Look! I found an egg!"

From Evangeline

"I gotta carry it home, and find out what's inside."
From Evangeline

"Hmm... kind of empty.  Need to find some more."

From Evangeline

"Look how many I found!  I need to get some more!"

From Evangeline
"Gotta eat the candy before my daddy does!"

From Evangeline


Steponic's Economics said...

Not that wikipedia is my source for all things true, but: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_egg

Great Eva montage and captions! Was fun to be there with you all.

Steponic's Economics said...

Oh, and regardless of the Easter tradition, I want one of these:

"Deep-fried chocolate Easter eggs are sold around Easter time in Scottish fish and chips shops. The idea was invented in a northeastern Scottish takeaway as a sequel to the extremely popular deep fried Mars Bar."

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