Dec 27, 2010

Christmas Day

This was our first Christmas with Eva, and it strikes me the importance of communicating that Christmas should be about celebrating the coming of Jesus.  He is Emanuel - God with us.  According to Hebrews, he is the exact imprint of God's nature.   We continued some of the traditions that I had growing up - such as reading the birth of Jesus from the gospel of Luke, and plan to continue some more - like the advent tree that we (sometimes) did leading up to Christmas.

Our Christmas was also full of fun times with friends.  We went to a friends' house for a large Christmas Eve lunch on Friday, another friends' house for Christmas day lunch and then yet another friends' house for Christmas Day dinner (really, light snacks) and a gift exchange.  I was given a book of Arab proverbs and English equivalents.  I'll share the really good ones on here. 

Unfortunately, Alison and I didn't do ANY Christmas shopping this year.  However, Grandma saved the day and had sent us a package full of presents - 3/4 of which were for Eva.  Here's a video of Eva opening her very first present. 

And here's just one of the goodies that Alison made to take to people's houses - homemade apple pie (she also made scrumptious candy cane cookies, delectable raspberry squares and succulent sugar cookies). 

Last, just because I can - a video of Eva bouncing on Mommy's knee.  Its so great to hear her squeal with delight (sorry, the picture is a little dark)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great work with the video. you are my e-hero!

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