Sep 15, 2006

A Fundraiser Downtown

I just returned from the Coral Beach Hotel in downtown Manama (the capital city of Bahrain). There, the Lebonese embassy put on a fundraiser to help purchase medical supplies for children hurt in Lebanon. There is at least one family in our apartment complex who has family in Lebabnon, and was there when the war started. As they were selling tickets to the event, I decided to buy one. Many of the people in our apartment complex went, so it was also a good oportunity to meet some of the people around me.

Even though I like political intrigue and world events, they often seem very distant, abstract and like an interesting story in a book. But the rubber has met the road in the last few weeks as I have met countless lebanese - some of them my students (and even a few who are at this school as a result of the war) and some my neighbors, all who have family and friends in the areas of Lebanon affected. Politics and foreign policy - which sometimes make things like this too abstract and a mere mental exercise - get put into the backseat as I see faces that try to show steele, but are betrayed by the fear and uncertainty washing about behind their eyes.

And so once again, life gets put into perspective. School will be hard this year - but not that hard. Living in a new culture, with new norms and values, and new ways of doing things will be frustrating - but things could be worse. Much worse. And I would do well to remember that.


Anonymous said...

i response to your email is in the works, be not dismayed. i'm just slow and poorly driven

Anonymous said...

oops, that was anonymous. its david o.

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