Apr 29, 2009

Happy Birshday!

Birshday? Yes. This was what was written on the party balloons at my small group last night. "Birshday." we can only assume they meant "Birthday". Yesterday was a very special birthday for some very important people.

1) Saadam Hussein
2) My dad
3) Me

Yes - yesterday many birthday celebrations were had (and I'm sure they're still continuing somewhere in Houston). I had a good time eating, wearing, playing with, watching and again eating my presents.

I received a lot of great presents from my beautiful bride, but I also received presents from my 10B class at school! "Behind Closed Doors: Stalin, The Nazi's and the West" is now on my bookshelf waiting to be read (actually, its in a pile of books at school that grade 10 students are using in a research project).

I also got a new shirt, some Nutella, Mythbusters dvd's, and another book of which I cant' now remember the title.

Some neighbors came over and we played some games. I beat my 6 year old buddy twice in a row at Uno, and then went on to play her sister in chess. I'm not really sure who taught her to play chess... thought I'm confident they both let me win becaues it was my birthday.

But now the euphoria is over, and I must get back to reality. Today I teach 5 classes in a row. Well, actually, I teach one class and the other four class periods are working on project work. How do you like THEM apples?!

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