Jul 6, 2009

An Update on Round 2

Many of you, I'm sure, are waiting in suspense for more information about Round 2. Is he/she a boy or a girl? What will his/her name be? How big is he/she? Well, Alison is starting to show, and I'm sure it won't be long till she is waddling like a pro.

On the right, I have added a poll where YOU can decide what you think the name of the baby should be. I've added a few new names and have included some original ideas and suggestions offered by others.

In our small group, before we left Bahrain, we had a brainstorming session for baby names. I think Alison was less than enthused, but we came up with some good ideas. Someone mentioned names like "Grace", "Faith", "Hope" or "Christian" - all very good, Biblically grounded names. So I thought, why not keep with the themes of theological concepts. Why not "Sanctification" or "Propitiation"? Maybe even "Justification"?

In related news, I thought I'd share some updated info about the baby itself. Of course, you can see the current size of the baby (the size of a nutter butter cookie). But here is some more detailed info from parentsconnect.com:
  • Your baby can make a fist and even suck his or her thumb this week—both skills that are über-cute during infancy ... and not so much at the age of 9. If you're really lucky, you might catch a glimpse of baby's thumb sucking on an ultrasound photo. That's a framer!
  • Your baby's eyelids are fused shut to protect his eyes as they develop. His bones and skull are solidifying and soon itsy-bitsy ribs may appear. (Baby ribs! How cute is that?!)
  • Baby's intestines are finally right where you want them—in his or her belly instead of poking out into the umbilical cord.
  • Baby's tooth sockets are all loaded and ready to pop out baby teeth six or seven months after baby is born (causing baby a lot of pain and you a lot of lost sleep).
  • Who's that singing? dc talk? Could be your baby: His vocal cords and larynx are completed now.

We'll keep you posted on Round 2's development, as well as my continued work to get Alison to at least consider some of my options.


Steponic's Economics said...

Um...I think Owen punked your poll.

Anonymous said...

Whoa. WHOAAAAAA now.

Hold your horses here buddy. Why do we immediately assume it was ME who voted several thousand times for what obviously is the best name choice up there? I mean, why are we not taking into account the possibility that not only did Josh's readership increase by several hundred percent but that they all were single-minded in their name du jour?

And the fact that my GF's name is Faith and that a few votes showed up under that is obviously a coincidence as well.

That being said, it looks like the people have spoken Josh, please inform Allison of the choice!


Anonymous said...

I am someone completely different that has no relation to the post immediately above this except for the fact that this post is being made shortly after the previous one.

Man, Google is making those things tougher to get through, took me a good 30 minutes of messing around to figure out how that one judged "unique" votes.

Alicia Pashby said...

Wow, I think that you should go for "Sanctification" for sure!

Joshua said...

Interestingly enough, even though over 3600 people have voted on the poll, my readership has only been about 45 visits this week (though not including fb).

While I am excited to report that visits have doubled, there has also been a lot of activity from Chauvin, LA. 9 out of the last 20 visitors (from yesterday)!

Liz Murphy said...

I like the Catan, but not so much on the Wycliff. What about Catan Wilson?

Anonymous said...

That's because your poll is at Google, not blogspot, so there was no 'need' to hit your site for each unique vote.

Yikes, apparently I'm going to have to try harder to appease the critics! Next time you'll get 3000 unique visitors and a statistically probable distribution of answers. It'll also appear on CNN. And possibly cure a major disease!

Steponic's Economics said...

Owen, er, I mean, "Anonymous"... you're awesome! I'll have my students visit here when we study stats next year. Normal distribution, here we come!

Anonymous said...

That would be fantastic! You could title it "How to convincingly rig polls"! You could talk about Iran's election! And possibly about some American elections!

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