Jan 4, 2010

Pictures! World, meet Evangeline Marie.

I want to start at the beginning.  Here - it was supposed to be my first video blog (or vlog).

Well, the walk must have worked because Evangeline was out in just over 24 hours!  It must have been the walking (and then the Caribou Coffee afterwards).  We also had the help of a friend who was able to come with us to the hospital and be with Alison and I through the whole birth process.  She was great as she was able to do all the things that Alison and I couldn't, or things that we hadn't even thought about.  Such as order us a pizza after we were back in the room.  Her husband and daughter came later to see Evangeline and be our very first visitors.

As previously mentioned, Evangeline is 3.75 kgs and 52 cm when she was born.  She is very healthy and there were no problems.  Alison is also really health.  Both were doing so well that we went home the next day (to the disapproving looks of the nursing staff - but it was either stare at the wall in a hospital room or stare at the wall in our own home).  However, friends at the hospital made our stay very very pleasant as a steady (but certainly not overwhelming) stream of people came to visit.  Here are some of the pictures.*

We were able to go home later that evening and Eva had her very first stay in an apartment.  In fact, it was a whole day of firsts!  Such as first time in a car, first time over a speed bump, first time in an apartment, first time meeting all her new friends (many of whom were boys...), first time seeing the sun, first time, first time first time!  It was quite a day for her.  But not enough of a day to sleep through the entire night.    Insha'alla that will happen.  Someday.  

*if you are on facebook, you may not be able to see the actual pictures.  You'll have to go the original blog post.  Sorry for the inconvenience.


Rebecca Perkins said...

Pretty proud Papa!! The only other time I saw you smile this big was at your wedding! And Alison you are so beautiful holding her! Can you believe that she is yours. I am glad that Evangeline came early so that you didn't have to wait another couple of weeks . . . or go back to help back at school.

Janet said...

And thankfully you didn't have to wait till Grandma Lister arrived to have the baby!

Lu Anne said she appears to have Josh's nose.

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