Feb 25, 2010

Debt Free!!

When I graduated from Northwestern over 3 1/2 years ago, I had about $36,000 of debt from school loans.  That's a lot of money.  However, I have just made the final call to Wells Fargo to have paid off my entire school debt!! It feels really good to be able to say that I do not owe any money anywhere.  We are fortunate in that act.

And as of February 25, 2010 - we are debt free!!

I had initially tried to pay off my loans online, but for some reason Wells Fargo won't allow you to pay off the loan completely.  So I paid off everything except for $1.20.  Then I had to call Wells Fargo (on Skype, of course), and the nice lady said that Wells Fargo would write off the last $1.20 - I wouldn't even have to pay that off myself.  Very magnanimous of them. 

Some people feel a heavy weight lifted off of them when loans are paid off.  I'm not sure I feel a heavy weight lifted off.  But I do feel a lot richer.  I'm not - but I feel as if I now have all this money that can be spent on things like e-readers and exotic vacations.  I'm sure it'll wear off eventually.

But instead of spending lots of money on frivolous things, we will probably start putting some of that money into a college savings fund for Eva.  I mean, might as well start saving now.  Its either pay now or pay later!

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